
Dyma ambell sylw gan weithwyr sydd wedi manteisio ar wasanaethau cwnsela Medra:

Rapid response, confidential, exceptional counsellor

Thank you so much for the provision and support. I don't know where I would be if I did not have access to the service when I did. I can move on with my life and deal with things in a healthier way.

Exceptional service, exceptional counsellor

Mi helpodd fi ddod i gasgliadau fy hun ynghylch anawsterau oedd gen i a sut i’w hosgoi nhw yn y dyfodol.

Literally saved my life. Thank you

Roedd hi’n ddefnyddiol trafod fy mhroblemau a sôn am eu heffaith arna i. Fe fuon ni’n trafod y straen ro’n i’n ei wynebu a sut i ymdopi â phethau.

Mae hwn yn wasanaeth mor werthfawr ac mi ydw i’n bersonol wedi elwa mewn cymaint o ffyrdd, yn bersonol a phroffesiynol. Mi ydw i mor ddiolchgar.

Fy helpu i roi trefn ar fy mywyd - llwyth gwaith – amser dadlwytho. Fe weithiodd!

This is such a valuable service and I personally have benefited in so many ways, on both a personal and professional level. I am truly grateful.

Fe wnaethon nhw fy helpu lot i ymdopi â gwahanol agweddau ar fy mhroblemau… Gwasanaeth ardderchog – llawn dealltwriaeth a chyngor da.

Fe ddangosodd i mi sut i adnabod beth oedd yn achosi’r straen a sut i’w osgoi.

Gallu trafod pethau gyda thrydydd person a bod yn wrthrychol am yr hyn y bues i trwyddo ar lefel bersonol.

Ro’n i’n gwerthfawrogi’r cyngor annibynnol a’r empathi wrth ddeall fy sefyllfa a’m hamgylchiadau.

Cyfle i drafod pethau gyda rhywun oedd yn deall.

Mae ...............yn Gwnsler medrus dros ben!

“Having never been to counselling before, was very impressed with the counsellor and his approach. I was initially very sceptical that much could be achieved in so few sessions, but have been very pleasantly surprised. My mindset is much more positive, and I have increased optimism and clarity about the future”